As regular protocols to provide a safe school environment for scholars, the following guidelines will be continued: ● All scholars and staff are required to wear a mask covering both mouth and nose throughout the school day except during time periods of food or drink consumption. (KN95 mask recommended) ● Scholars will be seated at the maximum distance available in the classroom with an optimal distance of greater than 3 feet whenever possible. ● Scholars will continue to eat lunch in the classroom until further notice. ● Classrooms will continue to be sanitized regularly. ● Weekly PCR testing will be available for all scholars, Bronzeville Academy utilizes a lab that allows for mouth swab testing. Parents are able to consent to weekly PCR testing by completing this form for each scholar.
For any scholar who is noted as a close contact: ● if the scholar remains asymptomatic(showing no symptoms** of COVID-19 illness) the scholar will be allowed to remain as long as there is consent for the scholar to participate in a rapidtest between day 1-4, and one between days 5 and 7 following the exposure.
○ This is noted as our “test to stay”protocol. ○ Parents should go to the following form to register for the “test to stay” protocol. The rapid tests utilize a nasal swab to collect the specimen for testing(scholars will swab themself). Completing this form now will ensure that your scholar can be tested and go straight to class on any day they are noted a close contact. ○ If a scholar is unvaccinated and the parent does not consent to the “test to stay” protocol, the student will need to quarantine at home for 5 days and ensure proper mask wearing for all days following return to school. ○ If the scholar exhibits symptoms of COVID-19 the scholar will have to quarantine at home until they are fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication, if diarrhea or vomiting have ceased for 24 hours, and if other symptoms have improved.
*(Studentson both quarantine and test to stay protocol will not be allowed to participatein extracurricular activities.)* **Symptoms Include - Fever (100.4°F or higher), new onset of moderate to severe headache,shortness of breath, new cough, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea, new loss of sense of taste or smell, fatigue from unknown cause, muscle or body aches from unknown cause.**
A confirmed positive case refers to a positive result on a COVID-19 PCR test. Any positive result should be submitted to the school by emailing and contacting the main office at 773-285-8040 For any scholar who has received a positive result on a COVID-19 PCR test: ● The scholar will need to isolate at home for a minimum of 5 days following the date of the positive PCR test. ● The scholar may return following the isolation if they are fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication, if diarrhea or vomiting have ceased for 24 hours, and if other symptoms have improved.
With a multitude of housing and dining options both on and off-campus, all members of the University community can find the accommodations that make University feel like home.
With a multitude of housing and dining options both on and off-campus, all members of the University community can find the accommodations that make University feel like home.
With a multitude of housing and dining options both on and off-campus, all members of the University community can find the accommodations that make University feel like home.
With a multitude of housing and dining options both on and off-campus, all members of the University community can find the accommodations that make University feel like home.
a versatile capability
Delivering high quality digital experience across teams.
For marketing team →
From creating fast-growing brands, crafting strategies to developing websites or running campaigns - I help marketing teams to take digital perspective at heart to deliver high-quality digital marketing experiences.
For product team →
From creating fast-growing brands, crafting strategies, making sales materials and presentations to shipping websites or running campaigns - I plan, design, code and deliver high-quality products that bring real intrinsic business values.
Why Choose Bronzeville Academy Charter School?
Bronzeville Academy Charter School's mission is to develop scholars into contributing members of a global community, through a nurturing, comprehensive, and meaningful education.
Safe to say you will be part of the history created at University. Our alumni have lived the best of their lives here. Here’s what they had to say.
It is almost impossible to not like the welcoming nature of University. University has taken me on a self-realizing journey over the four year program. I was an exchange student from X university, and I ended up learning a lot from University.
Mary Jane
Project Manager at Walmart
University has taken me on a self-realizing journey over the four year program. I was also truly amazed by the fact that the laboratory facilities here and this will always be my second home.
Ben Parker
Research Assistant at XYZ
I was an exchange student from X university, Germany and I have to appreciate the hospitality of the people of University. It is almost impossible to not like the welcoming nature of University.
May White
Product Developer at ABC
It is almost impossible to not like the welcoming nature of University. University has taken me on a self-realizing journey over the four year program. I was an exchange student from X university, and I ended up learning a lot from University.
Mary Jane
Project Manager at Walmart
University has taken me on a self-realizing journey over the four year program. I was also truly amazed by the fact that the laboratory facilities here and this will always be my second home.
Ben Parker
Research Assistant at XYZ
I was an exchange student from X university, Germany and I have to appreciate the hospitality of the people of University. It is almost impossible to not like the welcoming nature of University.
May White
Product Developer at ABC
Our Location
We are located on the campus of Hales Franciscan High School
4930 S Cottage Grove Ave, Chicago, IL 60615 Give us a call anytime, we welcome all of your questions and support.